In Romania, combining trees with crops and/or animals has been practiced over a long time in various forms and, at the same time, it is a concept not fully understood and not perceived as being based on independent science. This scientific paper aims to present a summary of the main types of agroforestry systems in Romania that were based on consulting relevant works and on the results of researchers and identifies what steps are needed to encourage promotion and implementation of agroforestry systems in the country.
Agroforestry Carbon Code project webinar recording
Webinar introducing the UK Agroforestry Carbon Code project (which is exploring the feasability of developing a carbon code for agroforestry), featuring representatives from the Soil Association, Woodland Trust and Organic Research Centre. It includes short presentations on woodland and trees in the farmed landscape, how agroforestry can deliver for nature and climate, and landscape carbon quantification.
Farm Wilder webinar: Silvopasture benefits for livestock
This webinar which explored the many benefits trees can bring to livestock systems, featuring UK Organic Research Centre’s livestock researcher Lindsay Whistance. It focuses particularly on:
– Trees for productivity and animal welfare
– Nutritional and medical properties of tree fodder
– Planting designs and choosing species
– Grants and funding opportunities
A National Network of Agroforestry Farms
Project that aimed to promote agroforestry as a way of farmers and landowners simultaneously and sustainably growing food, transitioning into the new ELM Scheme in the UK and contributing to ‘public goods.’ It showcased farms and initiatives across the UK successfully balancing these objectives to share knowledge and evidence of the value of agroforestry. GWCT Allerton led on the project; a collaboration between them, the Organic Research Centre, Woodland Trust, National Trust, Woodmeadow Trust, Farm Woodland Forum and Agricology.
This hub page pulls together videos and podcasts, together with existing technical guides, blogs and profiles of farmers innovating with agroforestry. All share practical experiences of implementing agroforestry, lessons learned and practical tips.
Woodland Trust agroforestry
Woodland Trust is the UK’s largest woodland conservation charity (established in 1972) that protects, restores and creates woods and trees. As part of this, they work with partners, farmers, landowners and local communities to create bigger, better, more resilient landscapes across the UK for people and wildlife. This link takes you to information that can be accessed specifically in relation to agroforestry. It includes outlining the many different ways agroforestry can benefit farmers and the wider environment, how it can help to tackle climate change, information on benefits and management of hedgerows, links to many different multi-media resources they have produced (practical guides, videos, research reports, case studies), including information on farmer Stephen Briggs’ silvoarable agroforestry project (which is the largest in the UK), and includes lots of information on how the Woodland Trust can assist with advice, grants and funding schemes.
Agroforestry (Soil Association online agroforestry hub)
UK-based Soil Association Scotland website pages relating to agroforestry. Includes information on benefits of agroforestry (with links to case studies), how to get started with agroforestry (case studies, videos, webinar recordings…), grants and guidance (summary of the organisations offering advisory services on agroforestry, important links on their websites, and stories from farmers who’ve gone through the process already), and agroforestry resources.
Agroforestry for Beef & Sheep Farmers – Farming for a Better Climate
Podcast produced as part of the Farming for a Better Climate (FFBC) consortium. Based in Scotland, FFBC provides practical support to benefit the farm and help reduce impacts on the climate. FFBC is run by SRUC on behalf of the Scottish Government. They combine ideas trialled by their volunteer Climate Change Focus Farms and information from up-to-the-minute scientific research, and offer practical advice to help farmers choose the most relevant measures to improve farm performance and resilience to future climate change effects.
This podcast episode explores the many benefits of agroforestry systems; from improved animal welfare with improved shelter, nutritional benefits from grazing access to different tree species, and other health benefits such as parasitic control from the naturally occurring chemicals ingested with the range of plants found within a woodland flora. The webpage also provides information on integrating livestock with trees.
Agroforestry in dairy systems, a part of Sustainable Organic and Low Input Dairying (SOLID)
This project supported developments and innovations in organic and low input dairy systems to maximise on the potential of these systems to deliver environmental goods and biodiversity, and optimise on economic, agronomic and nutritional advantages to develop innovative and sustainable organic and low input dairy systems and supply chains. Of particular interest in the project outputs is a farmer handbook containing a series of technical notes.
The project included investigating the potential of integrating bioenergy production from short rotation coppice with dairy systems for alternative feed resources, improved animal welfare, enhanced productivity and environmental benefits. The website presents findings from the project.