Agroforestry Focus: All

Agroforestry (Soil Association online agroforestry hub)

UK-based Soil Association Scotland website pages relating to agroforestry. Includes information on benefits of agroforestry (with links to case studies), how to get started with agroforestry (case studies, videos, webinar recordings…), grants and guidance (summary of the organisations offering advisory services on agroforestry, important links on their websites, and stories from farmers who’ve gone through the process already), and agroforestry resources.

Agricology agroforestry content

Agricology is an independent knowledge platform that shares knowledge and experience of agroecological farming practices, encompassing all production systems, and the broad spectrum of approaches; from organic, and biodynamic to conservation agriculture and ‘conventional’ or integrated farming. The vision is that Agricology will be instrumental in helping farmers to use agroecological practices to deliver productive, profitable, and resilient farming systems that enhance the environment and help ensure a sustainable future of farming in the UK. Website users can access a large variety of agroforestry-related content; via the library of different resources, farmer profiles, videos and podcasts, and blogs and research project pages which provide a space for researchers and others involved in the industry to share expertise on various topics. The mission is to inspire farmers to want to instil changes in their farming system and to inform – through both research evidence and farmer experience. Agricology was founded in 2015 as a joint initiative by the Organic Research Centre, Daylesford Foundation, and Game & Wildlife Conservation Trust Allerton Project (and is now managed by the Organic Research Centre), and involves a wide network of partner organisations from across the UK who help steer the project and feed into the website content.

The promise of agroforestry – Lessons from the field (LWA)

This report takes a close look at eight established and working examples of agroforestry in the UK through the featured case studies, teasing out some of the lessons that can be learned from them. It also explores the related issues of carbon and climate; issues which will be integral to the direction that land-use takes over the coming decades.

It is a report for farmers, policy makers and all those who care about our land use, our environment, and our food systems.

The Farm Woodland Forum

The Farm Woodland Forum, originally established as the ‘Agroforestry Research UK Discussion Forum’ in 1986, is a UK Charity that seeks to promote best practice with trees on farms. The Farm Woodland Forum holds an annual meeting in the UK or Ireland. The website provides links to tools and apps, research, agroforestry models, reports, technical guides and information on policy and regulation. Membership of the Forum provides access to an active e-mail discussion forum.

AGROMIX Knowledge Hub

The Hub is a shared space to find resources, capacity building materials, networks, and other tools to support the transition towards mixed farming and agroforestry. It is a shared space for knowledge access at a national and European level.

You can filter by country or category of publication and are directed to a page that gives you a brief introduction to the resource and a direct link to it.

European Agroforestry Federation (EURAF)

EURAF aims to promote the use of trees on farms as well as any kind of silvopastoralism throughout the different environmental regions of Europe. It has more than 500 members from 20 different European countries.

From the website you can access policy briefings and explore information associated with over 20 European countries, news, events, projects and farm case studies, and other resources. You can also subscribe to their newsletter and there is the option to become a member of EURAF.

EURAF aims to promote adoption of agroforestry practices across Europe by:
– Any communication means, including lobbying for agroforestry adapted policies at the European scale.
– Organising a bi-annual conference.
– Sending an electronic newsletter to all members.
– Managing a dedicated website, with functionalities to share information, scientific results and policy issues on agroforestry.
– Achieving specific agreements with national and international agroforestry societies or other related societies for the exchange of information and the organisation of joint congresses, symposiums and seminars.
– Meeting monthly to delineate actions to target awareness of agroforestry systems mainly at policy level.
– Promoting events and participate in research projects providing networking throughout Europe.

AFINET – AgroForestry Innovations NETwork

AFINET was an EU thematic network established to foster exchange and knowledge transfer between scientists and practitioners involved in agroforestry. It promoted putting research results into practice and applying innovative ideas to face challenges and resolve problems.

There is a European reservoir of scientific and practical knowledge of agroforestry where all the information collected and the materials created in the project are published – in the ‘Knowledge Cloud.’

You can access information via the main website on the RAINs groups – A European interregional network composed of ‘Regional Agroforestry Innovation Networks (RAINs). They were working groups during the duration of the project created in 9 regions of Europe (Spain, UK, Belgium, Portugal, Italy, Hungary, Poland, France and Finland), co-ordinated by an ‘Innovation Broker’ (who focused on establishing relationships within the network and promoting knowledge exchange). They represented different climatic, geographical, social and cultural conditions and include a balanced representation of farmers, policy makers, advisory services, extension services, etc.

You can also access videos, technical articles and factsheets.

AFINET – AgroForestry Innovations NETwork handbook of innovation factsheets


A series of factsheets produced as part of the AFINET project which are grouped under headings of defining agroforestry, various agroforestry practices, design and management, agroforestry outputs/products, collaboration (social), economy, and policy. They impart alot of practical information, along with potential benefits