ReForest Data Visualisation

Welcome to our data visualization page. Here, we present key insights on agroforestry in Europe through clear and informative visuals. The data featured on this page was curated by the Euro-Mediterranean Economists Association’s research team, ReForest’s Coordinator the Czech University of Life Sciences Prague, and the Organic Research Centre.

You will find data from ReForest’s Living Labs as well as from reliable public sources. These sources provide a comprehensive overview of key trends and findings related to agroforestry practices.

We hope these visualizations enhance your understanding of our research and the positive impact of sustainable agroforestry. We also invite you to share your thoughts and feedback on the graphs in the Members’ Newsfeed. Your insights help us improve and broaden the conversation around sustainable land management and agroforestry.

2. Farm Accountancy Data Network (FADN)

The Farm Accountancy Data Network (FADN) is an instrument for evaluating the income of agricultural holdings and the impacts of the Common Agricultural Policy. The concept of the FADN was launched in 1965, when Council Regulation 79/65 established the legal basis for the organisation of the network. It consists of an annual survey carried out by the Member States of the European Union.

The following time series depicts a positive trend of the average total output of Farms in Europe.

Total Output (€/farm) refers to the total monetary value of all goods and services produced by a farm during a given accounting year.

This is expressed in euros per farm and includes revenues from:

Crop Output: Sales of crops such as cereals, vegetables, fruits, and other plant products. – Livestock Output: Sales of animals and animal products (e.g., milk, meat, wool). – Secondary Activities: Revenues from processing activities (e.g., making cheese from milk). Revenues from non-agricultural activities that are closely linked to farming, such as agri-tourism. – Subsidies Linked to Production: These include direct payments or grants tied to production volume or type.

The timeseries shows a negative trend of total amount of human labor used in agricultural activities between 2004 and 2022.

Total Labor Input (AWU/farm) quantifies the total amount of human labor used in agricultural activities, normalized to Annual Work Units (AWU). One AWU represents the equivalent of one person working full-time on a farm for a year.1 AWU = 2,200 working hours per year, based on a standard 40-44 hour work week.

It includes labor from all sources:
1. Family Labor: Work performed by the farmer and their family members.
2. Hired Labor: Full-time, part-time, and seasonal laborers employed on the farm.
3. Contract Labor: External contractors performing farm work.

The timeline shows a positive trend of the evolution of average wage paid per farm in Europe per year between 2004 and 2022.

Type Wages Paid (€/farm) is the sum of all payments made by a farm to hired labor, divided by the total number of farms.

This includes:
1. Salaries or hourly wages for permanent and part-time employees.

2. Payments for seasonal workers or casual labor.

3. Other monetary compensations, such as bonuses or benefits tied directly to employment.

The following time series shows a cross crounty-comparison of total output between ReForest countries and EU average.

Total Output (€/farm) refers to the total monetary value of all goods and services produced by a farm during a given accounting year.

This is expressed in euros per farm and includes revenues from:

Crop Output: Sales of crops such as cereals, vegetables, fruits, and other plant products. – Livestock Output: Sales of animals and animal products (e.g., milk, meat, wool). – Secondary Activities: Revenues from processing activities (e.g., making cheese from milk). Revenues from non-agricultural activities that are closely linked to farming, such as agri-tourism. – Subsidies Linked to Production: These include direct payments or grants tied to production volume or type.

The following time series shows a cross crounty-comparison of total labor input between ReForest countries and EU average.

Total Labor Input (AWU/farm) quantifies the total amount of human labor used in agricultural activities, normalized to Annual Work Units (AWU). One AWU represents the equivalent of one person working full-time on a farm for a year.1 AWU = 2,200 working hours per year, based on a standard 40-44 hour work week.

It includes labor from all sources:
1. Family Labor: Work performed by the farmer and their family members.
2. Hired Labor: Full-time, part-time, and seasonal laborers employed on the farm.
3. Contract Labor: External contractors performing farm work.

The following time series shows a cross crounty-comparison of average wages paid over time between ReForest countries and EU average.

Type Wages Paid (€/farm) is the sum of all payments made by a farm to hired labor, divided by the total number of farms.

This includes:
1. Salaries or hourly wages for permanent and part-time employees.

2. Payments for seasonal workers or casual labor.

3. Other monetary compensations, such as bonuses or benefits tied directly to employment.

These maps show the total utilised agricultural Area (he/fa) in Europe between 2019 and 2022.

Countries in Grey = Non Available data

The Map shows the Net Income Average per Farm per Countries in Europe between 2019 & 2022.

Countries in Grey = Non Avaiable data

Data Management: Retrieved from: FADN PUBLIC DATABASE SO

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